Contact Jen and Chris.
WhatsApp Local Number +(506) 8624-7029
US dial direct +1 (720) 725-6277
Para Español WhatsApp or llamar +(506) 8565-3485
Address for immigration
200 Meter before La Garta Lodge
Playa Pelada, Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica 50206
Hacienda Nosara is located on the Pelada Ridge near La Garta Lodge and Boca Nosara
Use Waze to drive to Hacienda Nosara
2 Min drive to Playa Pelada (ten min walk) and 5 min drive to Guiones.
Location is directly in front of our retreat partners Casas Kismet and just 200 meters from La Garta Lodge and the Ostional Nature Reserve trails